Spring is coming on the shore
It’s been a horrible winter over here. Nothing has reminded us that we can see the shores of North Africa from some high spots in the area. Strong winds that often exceeded 10 Beaufort degrees, low temperatures as well as prolonged rainfalls and snowfalls have made our lives difficult. Let alone the fact that each of us has had the flu at least twice so far since last October.
Sunday morning, I went to EGVUS anticipating to do a riding lesson. The yard was still closed when I got there and, after having enough of gazing at Voukefalas, who had spent the night in the arena, I thought I should look around me. Most mountain tops surrounding the valley were still covered in snow, but everything showed that nature plans to compensate us for the cold trouble we’ve been through this year.
And so I grabbed my camera and crossed the road to take some pictures of the shore; the scenery was breathtaking yet familiar; grass, bushes and wild flowers on the sand, the lovely sound of the waves that have begun to calm down and foreigners who have come in their caravan. The view of the town was lovely as well.
Soon I returned to the place where I had left my stuff, including my cup of mocha, from which I took a sip. But the pot turned over on the sofa, staining both the sofa and my hands. Not having any tissues with me, I recalled the old trick from my days in primary school, when they took us on days out exactly to this spot exactly. The teachers sitting in the nearby taverna paying more attention to their food and drinks than to the pupils’ welfare, I found my own ways of coping with the situations that emerged, such as dirty hands. And this time I decided to do the same. Thank God I was wearing my rubber riding boots and confidently stepped on the big rock, which was being whipped by the waves and soaked my hands in the water. It was delightful!
Here are some photos:
Holiday bookings have begun already for Crete, of course, the new season starting in Easter in most resorts. Why not staying in a Cretan villa with your friends this summer? Visit our partner Cretico to check out the villas which are available this season. Today I checked out villa Pelagos, which is situated on the shore, a few kilometres from the EGVUS. You can click here to make your inquiry!