My first horse

When I saw Canada on a photograph, I was intrigued by his jet black color and big height (17hh). When I met him just before the beginning of my second year in my MA course, I realized that he’s an intelligent and sensitive four-legged gentleman. Yannis offered him for part-ownership and suggested that I should consider becoming one of the four owners. With one more year to go in Britain -and the costs going with it- my circumstances were not the right ones at that moment, and when I returned to Greece all Canada’s parts had been bought. It was not until last February when Yannis announced in the last social of the club that two parts were available and I grabbed the chance, of course.
I have now owned him for two weeks, and despite the fact that he has already managed to buck me off (thank you, my beloved, expensive helmet), I still love him very much. Canada and Yannis appear on a film which is being prepared to expose people of our area who are passionate about what they do. I feel very proud of both Yannis and Canada every time I watch this clip:
Oh, and if you stop at EGVUS and feel generous, please bear in mind that Canada loves courgettes! D)