Guest Post: Another Look at Unusual Horse Related Careers

In the last post, we had a look at 5 Unusual Horse Careers. Today we’re going to explore 5 more! For other horse related careers, you can head along to Vocation 100 at Equus Education (http://equus-blog.com/vocation-100/). There are actually more than 170 horse careers explored here.
- Pony Parties
It is possible to keep a half dozen ponies or less and provide entertainment to young riders. Most girls – and many boys – go through a pony loving phase. These same children would love nothing more than to be able to celebrate their birthday on horseback! Whether travelling to properties or having people come to you, it is possible to set up a half day routine for young ones. This could consist of brushing ponies and riding them – relay races; follow the leader, and What’s the Time Mr. Wolf? Then after a break for cake and snacks, finish up with a trail ride and another brush. It can be a great way to bring in a weekend income.
- Graphic Design
Perhaps your love of horses is coupled with an artistic eye and a talent for designing images. There are many horse businesses that could make use of a graphic designer who is familiar with horses. Adding to photos for websites or brochures, designing a logo or book cover are all possible horse graphic design jobs.
- Illustrator
For those who love to draw, illustrations are also important. This could be for book illustrations, living art diagrams of animals and their various systems, book covers or even cartoons in newspapers. Do you remember the Thelwell illustrations?
Once again, horses fit into each of these categories and the person who can draw horses to the right proportions could develop a great clientele.
- Equine Photography
There are many people who are great photographers. However, knowing about shutter speed, correct lighting and other things that make a great photo doesn’t necessarily mean a wonderful photo of a horse. Knowing about movement, conformation and taking a photo from the right angle are also important for horse businesses and horse owners. Someone who is in the know about horses and has skills in photography could be in great demand.
- The Equine Travel Agent
There are many places around the world that you can travel to ride horses, study them, improve your skills, work or learn about them. Horse studs, trail rides, equine museums and racetracks to name a few.
If you love to travel and want to help horse fans include their equine passion when they see the world, then an equine travel agent may be the way to go! Working first as a general travel agent will help you to acquire necessary skills, then you could branch out into your horse related niche.
It is possible to make a career from horses in many capacities. You can check out more horse related careers over at Equus Education – http://equus-blog.com/ Have you found a career above that appeals?

Author bio:
Christine Meunier is an equine author and educator in Australia. She loves all things horses and dedicates her time to writing educational novels, horse courses and educational resources. Her greatest passion is Equus Education, a blog about 170+ horse careers around the world.
For more details about Christine’s work, check her out on our guest author list.