List of guest authors

Here is a list of people who have enriched this blog with their fascinating articles.

Brandon, Daniel

Daniel Brendon is a special-needs personal trainer from the United States of America. At the age of four, he was diagnosed with a learning disability, labeled as “special needs”, and bullied in public school when he didn’t fit with others. In 2011, he felt called to become a personal trainer for special needs and work with children, adolescents and adults. With fitness certifications through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), the National Federation of Personal Trainers (NFPT) and becoming a Certified Inclusive Fitness Trainer, Daniel specialises in health and fitness for the special needs population. In. 2016, Daniel and his wife, Trinity, started “Special Strong”. “Special Strong” operates with Christian values from the Bible, which drives everything that Daniel and Trinity do with their clients. Since the launch of “Special Strong”, their team has been able to improve the lives of hundreds of clients affected by autism, ASD, Aspergers, Down syndrome, ADD, ADHD, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, stroke victims, obesity, and much more. It is their desire to expand “Special Strong” into new markets with the desire to affect positive change in as many lives as possible.

To know more about “Special Strong”, watch the video here.

Melby, Tom

Tom Melby is the owner and director of Clippers Ireland, an Irish vendor of clipping products for horses and other animals. He loves all things equine-related and is an expert in offering grooming advice as well as identifying the best equipment for the task.

Meunier, Christine

Credits @Christine Meunier
Credits @Christine Meunier

Christine Meunier is an equine author and educator in Australia. She loves all things horses and dedicates her time to writing educational novels, horse courses and educational resources. Her greatest passion is Equus Education, a blog about 170+ horse careers around the world.

Explore her websites: – sign up to receive Choosing a Horse Career, free! – horse novels for teens and adults – a Christian horse series for 8 – 12 year olds – explore what God’s word says about wealth

Shortridge, Mike

Mike Shortridge is a freelance writer who contributes regularly for During his spare time, he likes to binge watch on his latest TV obsession and go hunting for obscure vinyl toys.

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